Friday, January 29, 2010

Day 10: Discovery of the Roof

After almost a week of siesta-ing (something that I really, really think should be adopted by American culture-- and I'm willing to be the trailblazer for that campaign) in our cold room, a few of us discovered what I'm pretty sure is one of my new favorite spots in Valencia: the roof of our dorm. With a huge tile patio, great view of the city, and great amount of sunlight, it's the perfect place to come to draw, read Rick Steve's advice about how to get around Europe for less money than I actually have, or take an afternoon nap. Booyah, cold dorm rooms!


  1. i'll be your campaign manager for siesta-ing. fact.

  2. Thanks for the support, Rem. Siestas for America 2010 will be on the road soon!
